Archive 2016

Oct 07

Synaptics go Kayaking by Adriana Guardans-Godo

by tuftsigl

On Friday October 7th a group of excited Synaptics went on an excursion kayaking on the Charles River. It was a beautiful sunny day and spirits were high as we paddled along the river, zigzagging past boats and shells and trying to survive the Saturday river traffic with no crashes.

Sep 27

Trip to West Point for the Key Leader Engagement Exercise by Senior Joshua Golding

by tuftsigl

The old adage that posits that “the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle” holds sway across the United States military. This is especially the case with the Corps of Cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Sep 26

Despite advances, racial tensions persist in contemporary South Africa By Ana Karen Manriquez Prado

by tuftsigl

Reflecting on my experience in South Africa this summer has been difficult to say the least. Given the past social and economic situations in the country, visiting South Africa was a unique experience.