Archive 2020

Oct 20

The first virtual EPIIC Symposium brings survivors and humanitarian experts together as violence continues worldwide

by tuftsigl

Watch the Video Recordings for the EPIIC Symposium 2020: Preventing Genocide and Mass Atrocities

Oct 20

The Psychosocial, Political, and Economic Impacts of Violence by Dawson Stout (A’21)

by PriyankaK

After arriving home from my two-week study abroad, I was lost for what to do with myself. Sent back before the program even began, the next six months of my calendar – March through the start of school in September - were suddenly very open; the only scheduled event was my mandatory quarantine beginning just after landing at JFK.

Oct 19

International Relations 101: Relearning the Role of Violence in Security and Conflict by Mrugank Bhusari (A’21)

by PriyankaK

"By placing confidence in violent means, one has chosen the very type of struggle with which the oppressors nearly always have superiority." - Gene Sharp